New way to eliminate Covid-19 in homes and office environments

Well we have been waiting for this for awhile now, and even though all signs from previous studies pointed to Ozone being an effective way to eliminate the Coronavirus it is great to see studies being published.  


We have always known that ozone is a strong oxidant and disinfectant employed in water and wastewater treatment, highly effective to eliminate and reduce odors and violent organic compounds (VOSc) and an effective way to kill and neutralize harmful bacteria.  Previous studies have show ozone is highly effective against the SARS-CoV-2, the coronavirus causing COVID-19.

Ozone gas is generated from converting oxygen or ambient air to ozone by electrical discharge, and now for the first time they have managed to prove it is highly effective in combating coronavirus.  

This is exciting news for us and for businesses looking to sanitize their workspace safely and effectively for their employees and customers. 

 β€œIts advantages over common disinfectants (such as alcohol and bleach) is its ability to disinfect objects and aerosols within a room, and not just exposed surfaces, rapidly and with no danger to public health.” (Dr. Ines Zucker)


Removing Odors from Cars and Other Vehicles